Monday, November 5, 2012

Gulliver's Travels( for the students of 10,12 th Form)

GULLIVER’S TRAVELS 2009 (to edit)
Paul Stebbings with Phil Smith
Adapted and updated from Jonathan Swift’s novel
A cart is wheeled onstage by the three actors led by the MASTER
SHOWMAN who bangs a drum; the cart is fantastic, a moving cabinet of wonders.
SHOWMAN: Roll up! Roll up! For the travelling show! Adventure, surprises, instructive entertainment. Oh what a world of delight! What stories, what yarns we will spin sweet fantasies.
GULLIVER'S VOICE from inside the cart: No, no. It is all true!
SHOWMAN: (Under breath) Silence, beast! (Pokes cart with stick and GULLIVER howls. Then to audience): What a world of delight, everything under the sun, the moon and the celestial spheres.
CHORUS: It’s a mad bad world                                                       Music Cue 2: Intro + song
It’s the only one we've got!
That is your lot, like it or not!
See it unfurled, a mad, bad, sad, hopping mad world! (All hop).
Oh -Would you believe that the world is round when it’s perfectly clear that its flat!
You could never believe in that!
Would you believe that even now in a normal town you might be walking upside down«
You would say that I lie and I surely do if I described to you a kangaroo?
What would you do?
Can you make head or tail of it?
Doesn't it make you want to spit! (All do - SHOWMAN disapproves).
Oh it’s a ... (Repeat chorus).
SHOWMAN: (To actors) All right, all right don't over do it. Be serious. Hmm hmm, (coughs) My Lords, ladies and gentlemen, this is an age of marvels and wonders when the limits of the world and the laws of the universe open to man's understanding. But are there no limits to human knowledge? Are there no mysteries to be left to God Almighty? Were a man to know everything he would surely go mad, and here, today we present to you a cautionary entertainment, a mad Bedlam tale, presented by a man who explored the limits of human experience and returned quite mad: Gulliver!
(The actors pull back the curtains and reveal a chained GULLIVER).
GULLIVER: Ah! Humans they stink (of audience) Stinking humans! Pull back the curtains; hide the monsters from my sight! I hate you, disgusting beasts!
SHOWMAN: Silence lunatic, bow to the good people. (Whips GULLIVER - forcing him with the handle of the whip – GUL Turns and farts at audience – SHOWMAN beats him) I am terribly sorry, Ladies and gentlemen – his adventures have not improved his manners. Rat!
Actor 1: Hey – easy, easy. You’re too cruel with him!
SHOWMAN: I paid for him didn’t I, I feed him, I can do what I like with him, and you hold your tongue or you are back in the gutter. Actors! Bah, beggars more like.
GULL: Humans! Yuck! Stinking vile… Save me! (Actor strokes Gulliver).
SHOWMAN: Easy now. That's my fellow. (An actor strokes his head and feeds him something small, which calms GULLIVER who starts to cry).
GULLIVER: You are a mirror – and when I look at you I sink into a deep hatred not only of you – but an even deeper hatred and horror of myself.
SHOWMAN: Yes, yes. So, here we are Ladies and gentlemen. The Travels of Gulliver. A parable that teaches us to be content with what we have and happy with what we know. Travel makes you mad – stay at home – that’s my advice. Gulliver's brain turned like the world inside his skull. Let us hang on to our own sanity! As we watch:
ALL: Gulliver's Travels!                                                                     Cue 3: Music underscore
SHOWMAN: This man, Lemuel Gulliver, ship's Captain and doctor, sailed from  Bristol on the good ship Antelope on the 4th May 1710, bound for the South Seas. That much we know,.
GULLIVER: No! This is MY story – let me out – (they do). Leave off me – give me my coat and hat (a tricorn – he places it on himself – calms down with its dignity).  I, Lemuel Gulliver was condemned by fate to an active and restless nature – ever dissatisfied with what I have and ever curious about what I do not know.   The ocean, the sea…the unknown calls me! Raise the flag – I am Captain Gulliver, commander of the good ship Antelope – sailors stand before the flag and salute the majesty of Great Britain!
(The cast form up as sailors – sail is hoisted and a flag raised).
Sailors: Aye, aye Captain!
GULL: God Save the Queen!
Sailors:  Hurrah!
Bad sailor:  (aside) and damn the Captain and his Queen.
GULL:   Sailors, we make this voyage for profit, for ourselves and our dear country. But let us remember that at all times we also represent Great Britain, our noble homeland, the mistress of arts and arms, the scourge of France and arbiter of Europe, the seat of virtue, religion and truth; Britain the pride and envy of the world!  Imagine how terrible to be born a foreigner!  Gentlemen; the National Anthem.  (They start to sing but only GULL is left saluting the flag with one sailor as two sailors come downstage).                                             Underscore fades
Bad Sailor 1:  Poppycock this is!  I say we wait till we be at sea then toss this noble Briton overboard and sail for a pirate! 
Bad sailor 2:  Virtue and religion at sea? Let him preach to the fish!
Both joining in end of anthem:  God sod our Queen.
GULL: And we sailed for many weeks south around the tip of Africa – all the while my trusting to a lying crew! The Cape of Good Hope sailors!
Good sailor: Hurrah!
Bad Sailor: Tonight we do it – that’s my hope.
Good Sailor: Do what?
Bad S:  Send this fool swimming!
GS: That is mutiny!
BS: Sense, good sense.  There’s no profit for us from so honest a fool as Captain Lemuel Gulliver!
GS: I’ll report you knave!
(BS 2 jumps on him from behind and puts knife to throat).
BS: Would you die for your Captain and his virtue, fool?
GS: Spare me, for my children.
BS: Are you with us?
GS: (Pauses) Is there gold in this?
BS:  Much.
GS: I am with you. (The three lock arms). God sod the Queen and her Captain.
BS: Pirates – we’ll let him swim and turn the ship West for the Caribbean!
GS: When?
BS 1 & 2: Tonight.
GULL: Night falls on the good ship Antelope. (He checks position by stars and sleeps – a lantern swings in the dark).  Good night, sailor, God Bless you.
BS: Aye, Sir. (Aside) The Devil take your soul.
(Sea mist the creaking of the ship – the sailors throw aside hats and take pirate headscarves and creep up on GULL – they capture him and drag him before the mast where they run up the Jolly Roger and pass round the rum).                                                Cue 4: Ship/sea b/ground
GULL: Get your filthy hands off me! I am the Captain – second only to God and the Queen on this ship – your rebel against both if you rebel against me!
BS: Shut your fine mouth before I cut out your tongue!
All: God sod the Queen.  God sod god!
GULL: God forgive you, her majesty will not – the punishment for mutiny is death!
Sailors: Walk the plank, walk the plank, walk the plank!
GULL: Mercy, mercy – I am a man like you!
Sailors: Death, Death, Drown, Drown!
GULL: Fellow humans – see yourselves in me! Have you no pity – no humanity?
BS: 1: (Growls and leaps around like an ape).  See I’m a monkey, Captain, (all laugh) not a noble Briton.  We are all monkeys, “Sir”, and we live for rum, whores and gold – eh my lads?
(All cheer).  We’re to the Caribbean and you are for a nice swim.  Preach your noble bollocks to the fish. Onto the plank with him.
GULL: Animals!                                                                                Cue 5: Music Underscore
(They tie Gulliver’s hands and push him onto a plank and out over the audience – chanting and clapping – he “falls” into the sea and is swept away – the actors take a large blue sheet and make a sea.  GULL is left swimming and drags himself eventually to land on stilts he stands against the back screen/cart and appears exhausted/unconscious. A boy appears – all the people in Lilliput walk on their knees).
BOY: A giant! Unbelievable! A monster of a man! Daddy Daddy! Look a giant!
MAN: (Enters from wings or behind cart on knees). Stupid child! (Hits boy who howls). There is no such thing as a - (sees GULLIVER) A giant! Unbelievable! A monster of a man! Officer! Officer!
SOLDIER: Stupid man! (Hits Husband who howls) There is no such thing as a... (Sees Giant) Giant! Unbelievable! A monster of a man! I must report this immediately to the Minister of Defence!
ALL: Two hours later.
MINISTER of DEFENCE:  Ladies and gentlemen of Lilliput   as Minister of Defence It Is my duty to protect you. I have consulted the experts and I can assure you that giants do not exist.
SOLDIER: (Salutes) Honourable Minister, sir. What shall we do about the giant that does not exist?
MIN of DEF:  (Sees giant tries to Ignore It). Er well ... tie him up, tie him down. Nail him to the ground.  Ladies and gentlemen of Lilliput, voters… When I said to you that giants do not exist, I was In fact correct. GiantS do not exist, but this giant does exist and I have protected you from It  (starts self applause). That Is surely why I was appointed Minister of Defence.  And now I shall consult the cabinet.  Cabinet!
(Enter Ministers)
MINISTERS: How very big!
PRIME MINISTER: Then at least we agree on something!
MIN of DEF: Silence! Prime Minister what are we going to do?
PRIME MIN: Good question. Is there a health risk, Minister?
MINISTER OF HEALTH: As Minister of Health I believe there is a risk of jumping to conclusions over the question: is the giant a health risk.
MIN of DEF: As Minister of Defence I find it indefensible that we cannot reach a conclusion. We must consider if the giant is a threat to the state.
MIN of DEF: Yes. Minister of Health: No. (Simultaneous, they correct each other).
PRIME MIN: All those in favour of passing a motion raise their hands. (All Ministers raise their hands).
MIN HEALTH: Well? Are we going to kill the giant or not?
ALL: You decide, no you, no you.  (Collapse exhausted – stand up). He/She decided – it’s nothing to do with me – (putting Minister of Defence on the spot).  You are the Minister of Defence…
MIN of DEF: Right it’s decided then. He might be an enemy egg eater from the evil kingdom of Brobdingnag We kill him!
PRIME MIN: I don't remember voting for that. It might be dangerous to attack the giant.
MIN of DEF: Very well I move a compromise vote: someone else kills him.
ALL: Who?
MIN of DEF:  The people.
MIN HEALTH: Did  you vote for that?
PM: This is a parliamentary democracy – they vote for us then we decide what they must do – the people  deciding things – whatever next!   
MIN HEALTH:  But this Is a democracy Prime Minister.  Allow me. People of Lilliput, all those in favour of the  Minister of Defence killing the giant sit down. There you are. Democracy.  Citizen, if you defy the majority you defy...the People.
(The Minister of D fires the  "poisoned arrow"  at Gulliver who wakes with a howl, the man fires once more and hits Gulliver's nose, he sneezes and blows over the Lilliputians).
GULLIVER: What's that? Ooh! Who are you? Why am I tied up (He cannot see them and they have to gain his attention)? Let me go! (He roars and breaks free. They ail scamper away in fear cringing behind the public crying out):
MIN of HEALTH: Eat him not me? (Audience member). He did it – he fired at you not me.
ALL: Not us it was… HIM!     
PRIME MIN: Oh eat her she's much more tender and juicy than me!"
MIN of DEF: Help, Help, I am the Minister of Defence you must defend me! Help mummy!"
GULLIVER: I am not going to eat anybody. I am an Englishman not a cannibal.
PRIME MIN: Are the Englishmen attacking us? Are you an army?
GULLIVER: I am not attacking anyone; I am a shipwrecked Englishman, Gulliver.
PRIME MIN: We are delighted to meet you, Mr Englishman Gulliver.
ALL: Unanimously delighted.
MIN of HEALTH: You are a good egg!
ALL: A good egg!
PRIME MSN: All the world was divided between those wonderful, democratic people who have jointly decided to eat their eggs from the top and those vile fools who under their barbaric dictatorship eat their eggs from the bottom. Do you eat eggs at all?
GULLIVER: I most certainly do, and I eat them from...(thinking) the top!
LILLIPUTIANS: (Sing).                                                                                  Cue 6: Song/Dance
Hooray, Hooray, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs eat them from the top
Anything else is uncivilised rot so eat them from the top
Dip your spoon into the yolk and behave like decent folk
When cracking your egg do not bother your head
But aim straight for the top
If you are tempted to bite the bottom
Stop, stop, stop, stop only eat your egg from the top!
ALL: (Shout) Down with the bottom biters of Brobdingnag!            
PRIME MIN: It is clear Mr Englishman that you are in reality nothing more than a big Lilliputian. I hereby declare you to be a citizen of this great country.
GULLIVER: Well, thank you.
MIN of HEALTH: And I nominate you to become a member of the ruling party.
GULLIVER: Are there any advantages in all this?
ALL: What!
MIN of DEF: There is no greater honour or pleasure than being in the party.
MIN of HEALTH: You get to scratch each other's backs. (They do so).
PM: Bend over. Right hand me the sword. (She advances on Gulliver).
GULL: What, are you doing?
PM : A simple operation - we cut  off your left ear.
GULLIVER: Get off! Go away!
PRIME MIN: Listen, Gulliver, there are huge advantages in joining our party but you must fit in. Years ago we used to have two fiercely opposed parliamentary groups - the right ears and the left ears. Then we discovered that in reality we had no political differences so we formed a coalition government the left-right ears. It is a centre party, we hold the balance of power in parliament (Falls over), we are the centre party and what a party!
ALL: (Sing and dance a contorted physical dance based on mutual scratching, licking and tickling).                                                                                         Cue  7: Music/Dance scene
Oh what a party
The party of the centre, the party of the middle ground
A balancing act that we have found
So seize your chance
For a back slapping, back scratching, arse licking dance
Leap to power, crawl to superiors, grovel to the great, pretend to
love the one you hate.
Sleep with the enemy; swallow your pride, if you have no morality
you've nothing to hide!
Lick and scratch, Lick and snatch
Dip and scratch, grease and fleece
We don't care what we catch
Lick that bum and scratch that back
Go for a tumble in the sack!
And when you've sold off all ideals then you will plainly see '
In the real world this is the place to be
Is the middle of the road, super centred, back scratching, arse
licking, balance of power party
(All fall down and crawl towards Gulliver, they begin to tickle his toes
and even suck them - he rather enjoys this).
GULLIVER: Oh I say...ooh…ah. I mean, stop it.
PRIME MIN: I thought you would enjoy being a member of the ruling party. (But the Minister of Health has meanwhile stuck an ear on his nose).
MINISTER OF HEALTH: Now you are one of us.
MIN of DEF: And as a citizen of Lilliput ad member of the party S will conscript you into the navy and create you an Admiral.
MINISTERS: All hail to the Grand Admiral of Lilliput!
MIN of DEF: All those in favour of the Lilliputian navy attacking the Brobdinag bottom egg eating bastards right now, breathe in and out.  (BOY breathes in and holds breath).
ALL: Motion carried.
GULLIVER: If I am an admiral where is my navy?
PRIME MIN: Can you swim?
ALL: You are our navy.
MIN DEF: To war!
GULLIVER: Why should I attack Brobdinag? Just so you can take over their land and run it as a colony. It will bring you nothing but trouble. Why don't you just talk to them?
PRIME MIN: No dialogue with terrorists! They must unconditionally surrender before we talk to them. They must put away their weapons, jump in a lake with a stone round their necks and after they have died we will trust their democratic principles and agree to talk to them.
GULL: Why do you hate the people of Brobdignag?
PM: Oh Admiral Gulliver how we have suffered from these terrorists.   Look at his little girl, she's crying. (One of audience) Her grandmother was killed by the bottom egg eaters! (Offers her chocolate)  Look gold if you cry now – cry! Don’t you like gold? (Etc). Is your great grand mother dead? Yes? Killed by the Brobdinag terrorists, yes! (Etc).
MIN of DEF: And this woman's husband was tortured by the bottom egg eaters, yes! No! No! She cries she cannot bear to tell the terrible tale of...
ALL: The Brobdinag bottom egg eating bastards!
PRIME MIN: Our people suffer.
MIN OF DEF: (Sings) Oh Giant
ALL: (Sing) Set my people free! (They cower).                    Cue  8: Short Gospel Harmony
GULLIVER: Phew! Since you are so afraid, so tiny, so obsessed with trivial terrors I will pity you. I will.... destroy the Brobdingnag battle fleet. Then as an island you will be safe. But I will not hurt the people of Brobdingnag or make them slaves.
MIN of DEF: Oh just hurt them a little, break there eggs, ruin their day!
GULLIVER: I have spoken, I am a giant. I have given a judgement. I will dispense justice not revenge!
ALL: To war!                                                                         Cue  9: Song – still Gospel?
ALL: Long live Lilliput, lie down for what is right (they do).
Long live little Lilliput, Stand behind the giant and fight
Whoever is strong can never be wrong
Long live long legged big headed Gulliver!
(Gulliver goes off - sounds of smashing glass and broken bottles
offstage. He returns with a broken toy boat and some twigs and
GULLIVER See, see the um, (remembers) the battle fleet of the Brobdingnags. See me crush their flagship Do you all feel better now?
ALL: Long live long legged big fisted fierce footed Gulliver!
PRIME MIN: A feast, a toast. Minister of Health - the wine! (They hand Gulliver lots of miniature bottles that he drinks and promptly yawns becomes drowsy, propping himself up against the cart).
GULLIVER: Oh thank you. Just a small one. Mmm. The fruits of victory.
MINISTER OF HEALTH: See how war and victory makes our Giant greatly amused.
PRIME MIN: What opportunities Little Lilliput has to dominate the (makes globe shape with hands). What a weapon we have!
MIN of DEF: I will launch him on our enemies again. (Coughs). Gulliver, Gulliver. I know you said that you would not enslave the Brobdinags for us, but I'm sure that if I, Minister of Defence were to ask you, to er hold out your hand, (heaves a sack of gold into it) then you would think again. These principles of yours, liberty and all that, well, Liberty is not something to share with our enemies. We must destroy evil dictatorship; it is a matter of principle, of morality.
GULLIVER Go away Minister, a nation that enslaves others loses its own dignity. (Burp). The English have learnt that in Ireland.
MIN of DEF: England, Ireland, Shmireland. I am not talking about fantasy lands, but real countries, Lilliput, Brobdinag… I…I… I command you in the name of liberty to kill and enslave our enemies - I am Minister of Defence. If you refuse-
MIN of DEF: If you refuse you will be a… traitor. And the punishment for treason is....really horrible!
GULLIVER: Oh go away you silly little man. (Falls asleep).
MIN of DEF: I am not silly. I am not little, I am enormously important. Did you hear me? How dare you fall asleep? Call the Cabinet, assemble Parliament, the dignity of the democratically elected officers has been undermined.
PRIME MIN Order, order. Parliament is assembled (the audience). I call on the Minister of Defence to speak:
MIN of DEF: Honourable members, why do we tolerate bla  (Blowing up a balloon as he speaks).  Bla bla bla etc (Applause).
PRIME MIN: Hear Hear! I call on the Minister of Health to second the motion.
MINISTER OF HEALTH: Thank you Prime Ministers. Honourable members, (blowing up balloon and himself puffing with importance as he speaks). Bla bla bla  etc.
MIN of DEF & PRIME MIN: Hear Hear.
PRIME MIN: Bla bla bla etc (finally)  So that Is It!
All: Hear hear!
MIN HEALTH: What is "it"?
MIN of DEF:  We will kill the giant.
MON HEALTH: You can't kill the giant. He is too big.
PRIME MIN: Oh yes we can.
MIN of DEF: We have the most powerful weapon in the world:
ALL: Parliamentary hot air! (They wave their balloons).
MIN HEALTH:  But but but…While I absolutely agree with you that t this Is a wonderful  weapon of mass destruction might I as a minister responsible for Health and Safety – especially my own health and safety, warn and worry the cabinet that we might just  set all Lilliput on fire!
MIN of DEF: Impossible this  Is s smart weapon targeted only on the target. It will only kill the giant!