Monday, July 23, 2012

    Round    BRITAIN    quiz

1. Which countries  make up the U.K.?      --

2. What is the symbol  of  1.ENGLAND?    --
     2.WALES ?         --
     3.SCOTLAND?   --

3 .What tree is the symbol of England?       --

4. What is London landmark?                      --

5. What  colour  is the British flag?              --

6. How is it  called ?                                     --
7 .What river does London stand on?            --                                                                                     8. What is the  other  name  of  Shrove Tuesday? --                                                                                                                                                    9. One  of the most  popular  places  to visit  in Scotland.   --                                                                1
10. What is the longest river in BRITAIN?   1. the Tent
     2. the Tyne
     3. the Severn
11.What is the highest peak in Britain?    1.Ben Nevis, 2. Snowdon , 3. Everest?        
12.What are the most popular domestic animals in Britain?  --

13. What are British  money?   --

14. How  much is one pound  in Estonian money?    1. 10 kroons, 2. 15  kroons, 3.  20 kroons.

15. What is the most popular  sport in Britain?   --
16. Teenagers  are     1. young  people  from  11—19?
      2.children of primary  schools    ?
      3. people  in retreat?
17.What’s the name of the London biggest department store?  --  1. Harrods
    2. Bric-a -brac
    3. Beatles’ Shop

18. The big red  buses are called  :   1. double - snackers
    2. decker - doublers
    3. double - deckers

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